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Tak Yung Lee
Tak Yung Lee
Offline, last seen 3 months ago
Joined November 6, 2024

Hello! I have some old Relume Figma Kits (v2.4) that I'd like to update to v2.8.

Is there any way to do this automatically?

The method I've found so far is to create a new Relume Figma Kit and copy and paste all of my v2.4 designs into this new v2.8 page, but this is a little tedious and time consuming. Any better ways?

Thanks so much for your help 🙂

1 comment

Hello! This might be a little unrelated to Relume, but I just came by Spline's LinkedIn post:

Does anyone know what video editing software they used to put this video together, with the drop shadow, video borders, and the smooth zoom in and out? It looks so polished and professional!

Hi Relume Team! I love your social media posts. I'm curious for this post - what do you use to create the smooth zoom, scrolling and cursor movements?


Hello! I love the navigation bar that has where a secondary navigation bar appears from the top of the viewport when the “magic wand” element is scrolled into view.

I implemented this onto my own website, but I’m having trouble hiding the navbar once I scroll up to a specific element. (Read only:[…]s&preview=6eea89e9a3e5e81aeb4f34b98f9ee9b0&workflow=preview)

Currently, the secondary navbar appears when the .portfolio_component is scrolled into view, offset by 50%.

I want the navbar to hide when I scroll up and reach the .portfolio_component element again. How do I implement this?

Thank you so much for your help

Hey Relume team! I have two Relume accounts, one of which I'm paying for. The other one has one project which I'd like to import/merge into my paying account.

Is there any way to do this? Thank you ☺