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Falko Piguet
Falko Piguet
Offline, last seen 3 months ago
Joined November 6, 2024


I am having an issue with the background video component:

On IOS > chrome > when low power mode is enabled:

1. The video doesn't play automatically
2. The play button is displayed
3. The play button cannot be clicked

Could reproduce on several iPhones.

Expected behavior:
The play button should not be visible and the video should play automatically.

Is anyone having the same issue? Not sure if it's Relume or webflow related, to be honest.


Hey everyone,

Quick question, how do you manage multiple navbar design with the relume library? Say you have a primary navbar style, but on 1 or 2 pages, you have to change it because the style doesn't work (usually colors).

Background color and position is pretty easy with the addition of a wrapper, but what's your process for link text color and button style? Do you detach the navbar from component on a specific page? Do you duplicate the navbar component and create a new variation with different classes? Thanks for your feedback



First of all, thanks for managing this slack community, awesome to get help, insights, and news from everyone here.

Just wanted to voice that it's kinda hard to decide where to post questions when we need some guidance or help with a specific topic. I see questions flying in General, getting started, issues, team-up.

I would love to have a clearer, more central channel for help (I would imagine the #C02MS2V0FSP channel goal is to focus on technical issues the relume component have, as in things that should be corrected). Maybe a help channel would make more sense for guidance related topic?

1 comment

Hey everyone,

I am looking for some tips on how to manage animations in my webflow project.

I am trying to implement something straightforward like move into view on scroll. Let's say I want to use a similar animation on my H2 elements. How do you go on? Do you create a new animation trigger, select a class element, then create a custom class that you add on all the H2 you want to be affected? Or do you create a new animation for each H2 on the site? Seems like the js file would explode.

1 comment

Hey guys,

I am trying to use the relume icon feature at the moment. When clicking on copy for webflow, I get a notification that it was copied to my clipboard, however impossible to have any output when try to paste in webflow, notes, visual studio code. Am I doing anything wrong here? I am getting the feeling the answer will be embarassing


Hey everyone,

I am in need of some CSS help here.

I am using for a section on a website. I have two small issues:

  • I would like to make the left column sticky within the section, but can't figure out the way to do it
  • On the right column, if I add too much text in the "cards" section, it creates a weird margin between the first Icon and the line for animation. If anyone was able to fix that, please let me know


Hey everyone,

I am still unclear on the relume to webflow process and would like someone to share their tips.

Once I am done designing my first page in Webflow, what should happen before I can move to my second page to avoid class conflict with Relume components that would sit on several pages? My current understanding is:

  • Start a new webflow project using Relume style guide
  • Import your first page (from wireframe)
  • Design the first page from top to bottom
  • Create component for Navbar and Footer
  • Use client-first extension Folders to rename all classes/sections
  • Copy-paste the second page from Relume wireframe tool
  • Rinse and repeat

Am I missing something?

Thanks for the help