Happened to me before - I just had to log out and log back in - but another variable is I logged in and refresh my entire account 24 hours later = done and solved, for me.
Issues with Relume Wireframe tool -- I have completed my website Sitemap of 220-pages... wireframe wont load and is as response as a computer back on 90's broadband internet...
What can be done - is there a limit to page size?
Issues with Relume Wireframe tool -- I have completed my website Sitemap of 220 pages... wireframe won't load and is as responsive as a computer back on 90's broadband internet...
What can be done - is there a limit to page size?
#RelumeStyleGuide # StyleGuide
Trying to change the box icons on the style guide - but I am not seeing a list or outline of the icon rm sizes - so that I can have all the resizing of my replacement icon completed -- thank you!
#RelumeStyleGuide # StyleGuide
Trying to change the box icons on the style guide - but I am not seeing a list or outline of the icon rm sizes - so that I can have all the resizing of my replacement icon completed -- thank you!
I bought a template on webflow, that comes with figma files - is there a way to merge those files and the template flow, elements, sections, etc of what ive already paid for - with the relume sitemap, copywriting, and wireframe exported to figma -- so i can have my cake and eat it too?! haha