Issues with Relume Wireframe tool -- I have completed my website Sitemap of 220-pages... wireframe wont load and is as response as a computer back on 90's broadband internet...
What can be done - is there a limit to page size?
Hey ! Let me discuss with the team. Also please share a link to the project, I'd be keen to understand what a 220 page website looks like?
Absolutely - I'll share the link here - and I will also itemize the full sitemap, so it better helps you understand its length and intent.
I believe, upon Relume team solving this wireframe 'issue', you will then also have a stronger tool, that will have fewer issues for most all and any other use case, from my pushing the limits right now.
Here is an Itemized Breakdown:
So the majority of the pages come from 2 sources -- SaaS Features Individualized Pages + Individualize Service Pages w/ Each Their Own Checkout Pages - Making up 175 pages (give or take)
Why 3 Home Pages????
I will be toggling between the home pages, with a toggle option in the Mega Nav Bar or Banner Above Nav Bar.
Modeling this video here -- >
So they will be built as one full long page - using conditional trigger logic to hide/show select components and sectionals based on the toggle trigger. (new school)
3 Home Pages made into 1 - but also created in Relume as individual pages, in case they need to be built that way (old school).
, I still have more pages to build out too - related to my SaaS Application and UI ++ Membership Site and Course (using Memberstack 3rd Party Integration)
All said - I will be pushing, or past 250-Pages.