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Updated 9 months ago

Linking CMS portfolio gallery images to page layout 6

At a glance

Does anyone have an example or advice on linking CMS portfolio gallery images to these gallery elements in Page layout 6? I followed the youtube tutorial on linking CMS lists, but it was only for blog. Do I need to create multiple collections inside the CMS?


if it were my portfolio, I would create 7 Image fields in the portfolio collection.

  • Slot 1
  • Slot 2
  • Slot 3


That way, I can be absolutely sure that the image is in the right format for the size of the slot. I would want as much "control" over that as possible so that my portfolio is as good looking as possible.

Anything else is likely just going to lead to poor results.

Not sure I understand the issue. You need to insert a collection list in a section, and then you can fill it in with these elements. Then you start linking the content from your cms list.

Currently running similar issues issues following the youtube tuto in the Relume Univ. channel, because it is not as seamless as the blog example given in the video.

Does this mean that the image gallery components in relume are designed to have individual image fields rather than multi-image fields in cms collections?

Put another way, if I keep my images exactly the same size in a multi-image field, can I link it to a CMS in a way that will layout properly?

When I copy over the following classes: gallery9_component to collection list wrapper, then gallery9_lightbox-link to collection list, then gallery9_image-wrapper . . . I set gallery9_component(formerly collection list wrapper) to grid . . . then what?

or are gallerys just not designed for cms multi-image?

I never did figure this one out. If you get it to work without a ton of extra code or creating multiple "image slots" let me know!

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