Is anybody familiar with Finsweets Attributes? I'm trying to create a dynamic tab feature of a collection list. But it does not work. I followed their simple tutorial on youtube...[…]28d92202b1&itemId=65b8e2edf94e1b28d9220247&workflow=preview
Is anybody familiar with Finsweets Attributes? I'm trying to create a dynamic tab feature of a collection list. But it does not work. I followed their simple tutorial on youtube...[…]28d92202b1&itemId=65b8e2edf94e1b28d9220247&workflow=preview
Hello there!
I'm having a Webflow challange and have not had any luck in finding answers to it. I have a client that needs a redesign. He has a website with a membership database, with paid subscribers and free members. This is all stored using Wordpress plugins. He used Elementor to design the front end. I only use Webflow and I don't know how I would migrate all this data from Wordpress to Webflow, or if it's even possible. Any Webflow experts know if this is viable?