Hi, this might have been asked elsewhere but can’t seem to find an answer. Is there any videos, guides, best practise as to how to use the application shells. I plan to be using it with Wized.
I will create some! What questions do you have so that I make sure that I hit on those.
Otherwise, I can do just a general overview as well.
Give me a couple days! 💪
Hi Matt thanks for the reply. Ideally a general over view and best practise would be good.
Looking into how to get on-page search and filtering would be great too.
okay, just to clarify - our components are just that - they don't provide any kind of functionality. You'd use Wized for the on-page search and filtering - which you may already know, but just wanted to mention it just incase. You can actually use Finsweet Attributes in combination with Wized too, which is great.
really apologize for the delay here. You may have already figured it out but incase you haven't here is a brief overview of application shells. https://relume.notion.site/How-to-use-Application-Shells-88689f8b4c2f4323868941f915b849cb?pvs=4
Thanks for this ! No worries at all, yes I figured a bit out but seeing just how you’re doing it and swapping top bars, while obvious was also a spark for a small design issue i was having!
Okay, glad it was helpful. Apologies again on the delay! Shoot any questions you have and if you’re up for it - sharing what you are building! I’m a big fan of Wized!
Will do for sure, right now deep in weeds of it - building an admin platform for a local football academy in Pakistan. Will keep you updated after testing!