Hello, would anyone be able to help me understand why the Relume FAQ accordions don't behave properly? Thanks!
Hey Mitchell, what's the issue that you're seeing with the FAQ accordions? We will take a look.
As for not using dropdowns, I believe that most of them are built with Webflow Interactions (ix2) so that we can add smooth open and close animations.
Hope that helps!
I have a video on how to fix the accordions.
Unfortunately its how Webflow sometimes messes up the pasting of the component.
Here's a video to fix the issue:
Here's a video if you want to use the dropdown method to only allow a single accordion to be open at a time. https://relume.notion.site/FAQs-199899de412c4498b838e824dfecbde8?pvs=4
There are also some scripts out there that you can use to control the accordions.