I'm a bit stuck at the moment. There's an odd press interaction when I click on a menu item. I've modified this grid a bit on the nav. The interaction, which I believe is baked into the component is supposed to highlight the entire item, but instead it's shrunk as you can see when I click 'Care delivery' section and 'About Us'. The interaction looks normal on the "performance' section when it is just one column. How do I fix this?
can you also send over a published link - since it appears to only be an issue on an actual device and/or most likely just Safari.
looks like you are using completely different classes - likely even two different components to make up this nav. I see navbar11 and navbar7 classes in here. I also see some duplicate classes. And lastly, it looks like you have a max width of 10px on this duplicate class, which would explain why the hit area is different for everything but performance because performance is using the navbar11 classes.
thank you, ya i copied the single column menu from another relume component, so that's why there is two
what's the best way to clean this up? just option-click to undo on the layers? Also struggling to get this to work on mobile. if you click 'deliver care' on mobile then hit the next menu item, everything disappears b/c the list is so long
yeah for undoing styles, option + click is best because it actually removes that CSS from the CSS file. Whereas "overriding" a value still keeps that line in the CSS file.
If that makes sense.
I would probably get rid of the "open menu on hover" checkbox across the board. You have a scrollbar - so I guess I don't quite see what the issue is via designer on the menu being too long.
ya i actually tried that and it kinda messed it up, then i undid the undo haha it's because I modified it quite a bit. I'm working with a guy who's gonna clean it up. What do you recommend learning to really master all of the classes and applying everything correctly? Do i just study up on client-first? I hate hacking everything even tho it still works
Listen man, you can call it hacking, but at the end of the day its called learning. Just keep fucking building. Learn, apply your learnings, rinse and repeat. If your client is happy, and you are proud of the work - its a win-win. Put in the extra hours until you are proud of it, but eventually it'll get there.
Biggest advice I can give for learning and one that took about 15 builds to learn myself is to have a checklist and a build process.
Thanks for the advice man! Ya, really the navbar kicked my ass on this one and it still is. It's very hard if you need to customize it. And the grids are absolutely awful in WebFlow for moving things around, or maybe there's some secret way to do it better ha. Anyways, I'm gonna take some design classes from flux academy. Have you heard of it?
Also I suddenly have this issue. any time i click to go to a new page and go back up to the nav, the text is translucent
Flux Academy is legit - I have definitely heard of it. is an instructor on there (I believe). Kaleb do you have the checklist somewhere that Matt could purchase?
As for that bug - its your "active" state on mobile.
Agree with . Just keep building like a maniac. The learning never stops 😄 200 websites in and I'm still learning SO much. Every time I look back at a previous website, all I can see is how it could have been done better lol.
One thing super helpful ~ finding a build buddy or a mentor/agency to work with/support who can scrutinize your work is huge one. Study other peoples projects, especially ones built by people who know what they're doing. Funnily though, projects even by some top people can have all sorts of trash in there.
If you Google the "Flow Gurus Ultimate Webflow Build checklist", that's the best I'd have to offer in terms of solid foundations and the closest thing I know to a shortcut. OR if you do the Flux academy masterclass (which is where I started 4+ years ago with Webflow), you'll get the Flow Gurus checklist included + 10 videos bonus content with me in the pro version only though.
With nav bars, there's a neat trick I like to do which is wrapping the nav dropdown content in a div, turn that div into a component, then add that component to another page so you can edit it directly without having to open and close it all the time etc.
Most importantly, use Relume haha 💪 People don't realize how much of the learning curve that cuts out.
Hope that helps dude!!
Matt - I'm not seeing the global styles component in your project. I only see it on the style guide page now.
Awesome, thanks for the tips. I'm planning to go do the all access in flux so I can do the six figure freelancer course as well. I'm sure I'll see you in there!
can you point to the setting that's causing that text issue? When I'm on "none" or "pressed" the typography is black so not sure what I'm missing there.
Can i just add the global styles in without an issue? Seems like all the spacing is correct as of now
Yeah I would add that component to your pages.
Yeah under normal circumstances it would be that green active/current label that shows up when you select a nav item that is linked to the current page you are on. I actually couldn’t get the green label to show up for me so there’s that…
ya i see what you mean for the top menu item. i even tried removing the class then adding again and the type color is not responding. really wierd. I'm done for the night, but lmk if you figure out what's causing that. thx for all your help