Hey guys!
I’ve been struggling with this for a while..
I’m using this contact form on my website and it is usually fine as the first screenshot but out of the blue it changes to the second screenshot! Do you have any idea why this happens? It depends on the day, really.. Any light on the problem appreciated :))
thanks for that - however that's not the read-only link - the read-only link is under the share button top right - it provides me a way to see the structure of your project, but not change anything.
thanks a lot for the help 🫣
Here’s the link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/impacthero?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=desi[…]o&preview=0b16e91a1370c221d66df094841b14b3&workflow=preview
PS: my developer and I think there’s something to do with the Zoho API integration linked to the form, but we are still testing it to confirm. Here’s the link: https://forms.zohopublic.eu/dg3/form/ImpactHeroContactForm/formperma/pI_7M2mnU5kuwCHwUTXQy0PM_a3n2aZ6cnWDCJWQG9k/htmlRecords/submit
if you are talking about the image on the right randomly getting bigger, you might have to play around with some max widths on the image. In general that image is quite large in size. I've seen this bug with Webflow a couple of times and its usually something to do with an image inside of a grid component - like this contact one.
Usually if you give the image some sort of constraint, it'll fix it. I can't say why this bug happens.