Testimonial 32 has a small glitch on the display of the first card. It should show completely when you land on the preview page.
thanks for flagging this! The reason this is happening is because on the preview page there is nothing above it - and there is an offset on the interaction. It should work as expected in a real world application. 💪
If you see anything else, please let us know!
- Well, you said that “on the preview page there is nothing above it - and there is an offset on the interaction.”
So what if in a real world application you had the same setup, where that was the first section on the page after a small header? Wouldn’t it still be flawed and not work properly?
I suppose if all you had was the navbar it would be flawed sure - here is what it looks like with a small header 47 page header, it snaps into place right away. If that were truly something you would do, you can adjust the offsets of the cards accordingly. We can't build components to meet every use case, we aim to build them for common use cases.