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Site Builder Page Freezing Issue

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hi, it's almost impossible to move pages around in the site builder : pages freeze like 99% of the time. I have to upload the page again, the start over and it freezes again. Is it just me ? Using latest versions of Chrome. Thanks,


@Ludo how long ago did this start?

@Ludo @Matt I noticed this as well, has been going on for a month for me, since I started using Relume.

I will say, I just opened Relume in Safari which I don’t usually do and 1) some of the buttons are missing styling on the wireframe builder page, you can’t see what they are, but 2) the dragging and dropping for some reason is WAY better on my Mac M2 in Safari, than it is in Chrome. Like Ludo, the chrome experience was pretty buggy/slow and things would get frozen in place, dropped in the wrong spot, page becoming unresponsive, etc. In Safari these issues are non-existent, so there might be some clues to fixing it right there. Not sure why that would be the case, but it’s what I noticed🤷

interesting, okay I have not heard many reports on drag/drop being of any kind of issue at all, I'll have to see what info I would need from you guys in order to try to put together a pattern here because no one that I know of on our team has been able to reproduce this - at least speaking for myself for sure. I do some pretty crazy drag and drop testing weekly so....yeah.

@Ludo @Madison Sears would you guys mind providing any kind of no-audio screen recording in chrome of the issues you are experiencing? I may have additional questions post that, but its a start.

also try logging into Relume with guest profile to see if the improves it - if it does, then its likely a conflict of some sort with an extension - tracking down which extension could get tricky - but having more than one case of the bug, and some helpful Lumer's to provide additional information, could help lead us in the right direction.

Hmm, you may be right. Coincidentally the reason I opened Relume on Safari was because I restored my Mac for the first time in a while and hadn’t downloaded chrome yet. So my extensions are not there since I am in a guest account right now.

The prior chrome extensions I had installed are the only difference so that is probably it

any chance you'd be willing to DM me your chrome extensions page and I can compare that to the other cases I have to try to find a pattern or?

I can say them here they’re nothing personal:

  • Capital One Shopping
  • Honey Coupons/Discounts
  • Relume
  • ColorPick Eyedropper

Of those I did notice that both and Capital One Shopping are pretty heavy, they caused some issues in other apps for me

@Matt Just so you know, I experience the exact same issue after disabling all extensions (using

I’d like to add that I’m experiencing this issue as well, however, I mostly have experienced it using the sitemap builder. As Ludo’s original post shows in the screenshot, a component will get stuck and float on the screen and only a refresh (and losing your changes) will fix it. Chrome 132.0.6834.84

yeah very strange, even if I spaz out dragging things, everything works fine...not trying to brush off whether this is an issue or not but its incredibly hard for us to fix if we can't reproduce.

@Ludo @Cesar are you guys able to open up Relume in a guest profile of chrome to eliminate chrome extensions as being an issue?

And, here’s a video demonstrating the issue. (ps, I’ve just updated to the latest Chrome 132.0.6834.160 and disabled all extensions)

are you using a mouse or trackpad? its almost like the "release" or "mouse down" isn't registering

ah @Ludo it appears I've dropped the ball here - I see that you've already given me what I need here.

I'm filing a bug now

PS, I was using a magic mouse during that video demo.

@Ludo just out of curiosity - which mouse were you using?

Native Magic mouse as well 🙂

wild - might just be a coincidence, just got word that one of our engineers can reproduce it but very inconsistently. So that is at least some glimmer of hope that we might be able to resolve?

Not sure if this helps, but I have also noticed some issues when working with multiple MacBook virtual desktops over the past 4-6 months that started pretty suddenly when there weren’t issues before.

Things like windows getting frozen in place mainly. Virtual desktops freezing.

Out of curiosity has anyone else noticed this?

Could be issues relating to memory-swapping in the browser maybe? Is the issue happening for you guys after switching to Relume in a browser that is in a virtual desktop?

No virtual desktop here.

Idk then, guess that’s not it 🤷

@Madison Sears It sounds like your issue is different from the behavior that Ludo and I have posted about. Perhaps you can start a separate thread to address it with the Relume team.

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