Anyone else get a lot of “Relume: Error processing SVG paste”?
Thanks Matt. Additionally, Nic if you have an SVG which it is failing with, please send us a copy :) That will greatly aid us getting to the bottom quickly.
Hey and , here’s a quick video
Sorry, still an issue…
thanks Nic for that video - super helpful. I am also able to reproduce this error - so I'm sure the team will get that bug worked out at some point.
As a potential workaround, you could paste in icons from our Relume Icons library which has some of the same icons as the style guide - or at least various libraries of icons.
Not sure on an ETA for a fix but we'll circle back when we have an update - apologies for the issues Nic, and thanks again for the troubleshooting help, really appreciate you!
okay cool - I meant to share the link to the icon library incase you were not aware of it -