π Hello, team! I'm kind of new here. I just downloaded the app, but can't quite figure out the console where the AI performs that which you envisaged. Any help?
Welcome to the Relume Community - so happy you are here! π
Would you mind trying to reword your question - I'm afraid I am not following.
There's this site I am looking to build using Webflow, but I don't know if those interfaces are available.
This is the link to the site: https://figma.com/proto/3v7DOQc80dSTGfhYbTrIkR/Buka-Spot?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=1-7&t=ltyPiLaVWbzkKcua-0&scaling=min-zoomβ¦
That first div, I don't know if I can get a scrollable stack for it.