Any explainers on using the Contact Modal component pls?
FWIW - I found if you have a hyphen in your favicon file name (on webflow) it will not display.
Having some issues with the logo component (the one with an interaction/scrolls across the screen) any good explainer videos on how it works out there?
I've converted my navbar to a component, but it's behaving differently on different pages, certain links are suddenly inheriting more styling, this seems to happen when I change the Link type in the dropdown to Page and select the Page, it really screws things up (text colour etc) -- any ideas what's going on? Also how do I widen the selector as some of the text is spilling off the screen?
In webflow on my navbar I have a dropdown toggle list (imported from relume) -- I can get the text block and drop-down chevron link to change colour on hover, but only indirectly, I'd like them to both change when you hover over either...any ideas please?
What's the general view on the need to go Relume>Figma>Webflow as opposed to Relume>Webflow?
FWIW -- still doesn't update the styles properly.
It's a browser issue, works fine in MS Edge, not in Brave or Chrome...
Now for a daft question, I'm trying to use Batch Styler to update the font family for my text styes in Figma...after I've selected multiple text styles as soon as I change focus and click to the Family field they all deselect...what am I doing wrong??
Hi, first time posting. Went home yesterday and opened Relume on my laptop (dell, touchpad), I could not figure out how to scroll horizontally and vertically without a mouse...turns out if you use two fingers (spread apart -- in a V) then simply drag in desired direction on top pad it scrolls!