#issue with layout 348 - I don't think the images stick to where they are supposed to anymore. I didn't make any changes at all, and now even if I re-import the component, the images are changing like they are supposed to, but they are not sticking to the screen as I scroll. They just stay stuck at the top.... HELP WANTED!!
I'm having #C02MS2V0FSP with The Formly + Relume Multi-step form builder.
Help Wanted:
So I'm using Layout 507 (with tabs) and on mobile, the tabs go bonkers. It seems like maybe the tab content needs to be the same length in all the tabs for it to work properly? But that's kind of wack.
Here's my site for you to view: https://parttwobooking.webflow.io/artists/casper-kit -- It looks great on desktop, but on mobile is where the issues are. The tabs themselves get oversized and it's just kind of messy. Let me know if you can help. I'll pay $100 if someone can just give me an easy fix. Thanks!
Hey -- I'm curious if anyone has a go-to video for how to customize blog scrolling sections. I'd like to see those built from scratch. Like the arrow buttons that make the blog move. I want to be able to use my side scroller (Or Shift + Scroll), but I'm unable. I HAVE to click the buttons.. kind of annoying.
This is type of component I'm referring to: