Is anyone here providing Pre-Styled Relume Style Guides/Templates?
How much should it cost to get Webflow(Relume) styled according to a simple modern Figma design?
I am looking for a freelancer or agency, who can communicate.
Got burned hard by super expensive Upwork Webflow freelancers, who claim to be Relume/CF experts..
Can I get fast-tracked for Relume Style Builder? I really need it ASAP
Willing to pay
Hey guys I think I don’t understand something about the classes in WF.
How do I make use of existing classes in new classes I create?
With SCSS/SASS you would use @extend
I want to create a new class for “chat-bubbles”
-- These chat bubbles should have a shadow.
--- So I want to inherit/cross-reference the shadow from the existing class “shadow-small”.
✅ I only want to apply one single class to each chat bubble element: chat-bubbles
❌ I don’t want to apply two classes to each element: chat-bubbles, shadow-small
How do you do that in WF? Or am I missing something in the logic?
What are the exact differences between the Client First Styleguide and the Relume Styleguide?
Should one apply margin-xxx and padding-xxx classes as combo class to container-xxx classes?
Or should one create a separate margin-xxx div inside the container class?
What exactly is the difference between Layout 415 and 416?
What are the advantages of using spacing wrappers instead of spacing-blocks?
How do I update my existing Relume Style Guide to 2.1?
And according to CF, how should I name the class for all these cards? What would be a good name as example? "cards"?
Alright, and how can I do this from the Relume Style Guide?
Do I have to copy this section into the Style Guide to be able to do that?
How do I style these cards from layout 353 via the style guide?
Thank you very much
When I change the “button” styling in the Relume Style Guide, it does not change it on the other pages.
I applied a background-color class to the “button” to change it’s background color.
How can I fix that? Am I doing something wrong?
I’m ne w to Relumes, is it important to rename the sections before copying it to Webflow?