hoping limit items is ok
Hi! Does anyone know how to get rid of an auto-generated grid row? It won't let me delete - it's greyed out.
oops sorry should've posted to general
Does anyone who know how to get rid of an auto-generated grid row?
Hi! Is there a way to hide a menu item on desktop, but not on mobile?
Looks like the Zapier option (understandably won't pull old posts)... Hmm
Hi! I have a client who would like to integrate with Substack. From what I find, this is a challenge due to Substack's lack of API. Our goal is to sync the posts with blog posts. Is the best option using Zapier to pull the RSS into Webflow somehow? Has anyone done anything like this? Thanks in advance!
HI all! Glad to be back. Wondering if Elfsight is the only/best option for an Insta feed. I'd give anything for a more native, non-subscription thing!