When you scroll on the contact modal ( it moves you up and down both the page AND the contact modal... shouldn't it be just moving the contact modal? )
woaaaa why is this happening? it's been 4 hours this way[…]b&preview=00ef7d37d70b405f4d8886dc96f66fb4&workflow=preview
Does someone know why the navbar is not responisive? i literally just copy pasted it into a fresh relume project
I didn't play with anything
Hi, does someone have a solution to this?
i think there is a bug with the Untitled Navbar in the Relume library here is the read only link, the bug is in the navbar of the header - there is a grey line under the navbar that doesn't go away, and isn't showing in the settings or anywhere else[…]7deffad58035ab0959a32964612455d4&locale=en&workflow=preview
Where can we find premium background elements? Just like the ones in untitleD
Hi, I keep seeing this issue, even with the rotating logo component
Hello, does someone here use Untitled UI's Premium kit?
this is on mobile
How can we add a horizontal slider for the tab names when they get too long? they're going outside the screen
weird, I just started a relume project, and i'm getting this...