What is everyone’s approach to the image compression. Webflow seems to recommend AVIF and is set to the default, but wondering if anyone has run into issues with browser support.?
Hey Everyone,
Does anyone know if there is a way to trigger an interaction depending on the value selected in a ‘select input’ form field. I need to be able to display a unique popup depending on what a user selects in this select field .
Ive recorded the desired result on this site: https://www.loom.com/share/d562c4e65a704ca2a2e1e0f6aae07e35?sid=8337eb53-336c-4b78-b143-2aeb1f1d027b
Hey Lumers,
Im using the SVG converter to plug in some icons and have run into some super weird behaviour that I can’t explain.
When pasting an icon into a dropdown menu in my navbar, if that same icon exists elsewhere on the canvas, it disappears when the dropdown menu is closed. 🤔 (see video)
Ive given the icons separate classes and made sure they are not being affected by the interaction. Anyone have any clue?⁉
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Thanks in advance
Hey All,
Why does Grid never seem to work the way I expect it to 😆 . If you’re someone who swears by Grid, perhaps you can help me understand this behaviour:
I have an offset bento grid with 4 smaller cards and two larger cards. The dimensions of the smaller cards keep changing height on preview vs in the designer. I have no heigh or width values specified on any of the images or any of their parents.
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hey all, looking for some design advice.
My client wants the language switcher to be more prominent on mobile than in the bottom right corner (where I have proposed it. how do I make it obvious without getting too much in the way of other content. I have a transparent nav bar.
any elegant solutions people like?
Hey all, does anyone know why I can’t center align the text in a native add to cart button? Trying to match the style of the ad to cart button in the product header 6 component? It has the same class applied and all. Anyone come across this before?
Hey All,
Does anyone know how to us layouts 422 and 423 with collections lists? No problem usually but having trouble getting the interaction (expanding on hover) to work once I add the collection list and rename the classes to what they are in the original component