I am running into an issue where when I paste in my Relume page to Figma, it's not inheriting the styles that are in the figma file. Am I doing something wrong?
yeah it sounds like you might be going around it the wrong way. Easy to do with the lack of direction on our part (something that we're actively working on resolving!).
You'll want to start a new Figma project by grabbing the figma kit. Once I have that kit in my Figma account, I'll actually duplicate it and rename that duplicate to the project/client name. You'll do all of your work directly in this Figma kit.
One project = one figma kit
cmd + e/ctrl + e to search for components and placing them onto the canvas.
Otherwise if you've used the Site Builder and you have the Relume Figma Plugin installed, you can import your Site Builder wireframes into that Figma kit.
I did a full walkthrough of how I work with the site builder tool and how it translates to figma and back to webflow - its an hour and 30 minutes long...rough draft. It might give you some insights as well. https://relume.notion.site/Using-the-Relume-Site-Builder-Full-Walk-Through-409e549d44594f0986c7b3453d93a5e4?pvs=4
Ah okay! What I did was generate the site first in Relume then download the plugin and grab the style kit file. Sounds like I did it in the wrong direction