#C055STHJCJ2 hey! Everyone I hope you are doing well and I hope I get some info/help about here for Contra relum expert. I joined this platform few months ago and used it for my wordpress projects as well as i used for web flow recently I developed 2 landing pages using Relume library in web flow and I attached a link here for your reference. my question is when I click into submit relume expert in contra they are asking me provide 2/3 website which is built in relum library. i am curious to know i developed porfotilio projrct in webflow if i submit deoes they accept my profile. plus i attached my contra profile and webflow projects fr your reference. https://amirportfolio1.design.webflow.com/ and https://amirportfolio1.design.webflow.com/portfolio and here is Contra Profile https://contra.com/readingh32_3qc0uxzt?utm_campaign=social_sharing&utm_medium=independent_share&utm_source=copy_link
Thanks for sharing ! Firstly, looks like the links are not working. Also, to get on Contra you'll need to submit making sure it's built with Relume
thank you for the feedback. here is the correct link and I shared it on LinkedIn in videos relume library and figma design I converted into webflow. here is the links https://amirportfolio1.design.webflow.com/ and https://amirportfolio1.design.webflow.com/portfolio and here is Contra Profile https://contra.com/readingh32_3qc0uxzt and here is my LinkedIn there is explained how i developed this landing page in webflow. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/seniorwordpressdeveloper_webdesign-webflow-activity-71[…]908687265792-8okf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop