would you mind expanding on what you mean? Can you explain in different words what it is you are trying to accomplish? I might just be really thick-headed today, appreciate it!
Eager to help and happy you are in our community! Welcome!
Yeah no worries! So basically I wanted to export the site to Figma to do things like copy updates or swapping out sections, then I want to copy the Relume site <i>from Figma</i> to Webflow
okay yeah, at the moment there is no "automated" way of getting your designs from figma to webflow without doing so manually. Copy/pasting in the components and styling them to match your design.
Ah ok cool. I've been having issues updating text on the Relume editor which is why I was wanting to do it in Figma
I'm guessing most people either use Figma <i>or</i> Webflow for refining the wireframes? not typically both?
yeah for sure, usually the process, especially if you are designing/building a website for a client is - do as much as you can in Site Builder, import into Figma, make further edits, once design is approved, move to webflow to build it.
I did a full walkthrough of how I work with the site builder tool and how it translates to figma and back to webflow - its an hour and 30 minutes long...rough draft. It might give you some insights as well. https://relume.notion.site/Using-the-Relume-Site-Builder-Full-Walk-Through-409e549d44594f0986c7b3453d93a5e4?pvs=4
Oh this is super helpful! Thanks so much for sharing this. I wonder if something like Framer would make it possible to merge these 2 workflows together a bit more. Bit more of a "canvas".
but for now, back to Webflow!! Thanks for the quick response!
yeah....stay tuned for next week.......we have new releases every month - we call it "Component Day". It's literally the best day ever. And...its next week. 🤫🫢