Hi, I'm new and need help with the sitemap and wireframe screen. I can only zoom in and out or scroll up and down. I can't move the content or the entire screen from left to right. Thanks Paul
Sorry about the issues there. If you hold spacebar you can grab the screen and move it around. If you hold shift and scroll, it'll scroll horizontally. Hope that helps!
We all start somewhere! Glad you are here, if you have any other questions, please reach out!
So, I got the site map and wireframe down. I signed up for a Figma account and have a Webflow account. I have watched a few YouTube videos, but I still need help with the export. Do you suggest a video that is clear-cut? Thanks
I have just the video for you! I did a full walkthrough of how I work with the site builder tool and how it translates to figma and back to webflow - its an hour and 30 minutes long...rough draft. It might give you some insights. https://relume.notion.site/Using-the-Relume-Site-Builder-Full-Walk-Through-409e549d44594f0986c7b3453d93a5e4?pvs=4
yeah there might be a Figma plugin but im not sure. In the Figma world its not that common of an issue. its just unique to how we all work with the components. I use the keyboard shortcut cmd/ctrl + option + b to detach instance as I am working through each section in a wireframe or design, in Figma.