Hey Everyone,
Copying a wireframe to figma has stopped working for me. It just stays on the “Please don’t close this window” screen without building out the wireframe. Also when I try to copy and paste pages or sections it give me a “wrong format” error. Sitemap works though.
Tried the same thing with the project, which previously had worked fine, but now it's not working too.
have passed on the links you have sent me and this info to our dev team to take a look.
do you mind sending me a DM with your relume project share link and figma file share link? Thanks! We'll use these sets of links to triangulate what the edge cases are and go from there. Thanks for your patience, very sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey and I just pushed a fix to the chrome extension that should fix your issues 🙂
Let me know if that works for you!