I’m trying to find a way to autoplay Vimeo videos in a Webflow lightbox. Has anyone successfully done this? Are there any code solutions available?
instead of using a lightbox, why not use a background video and click into a modal or? Need more context to provide better direction, I think.
Thanks, , So I wanna add this walkthrough video to the hero section of the homepage.
Here is the read-only link.
Yeah, I would do a background video here. Check out this video where T.Ricks goes over various approaches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-OQTr0akKc&pp=ygUZYmFja2dyb3VuZCB2aWRlb3Mgd2ViZmxvdw%3D%3D
I also just found this - I forgot they had this.