Hi - I'm having troubles with the mega menu...
When you hover, it doesn't stay open...
Would love your help!
this is likely happening because you have a gap between the navbar and the menu. You likely using margin instead of padding somewhere. I can see better if you wouldn't mind sharing a read-only link.
you'll want the padding top/bottom to be the same for all of your nav links - right now the far left one - "optimize" is higher than the rest - creating a gap.
I updated the padding so they all match, but the mega menu still doesn't stay open on hover. What did I miss?
if you go into x-ray mode, you'll be able to better see the containers of things. In this case - your solution based on what I was saying was the opposite - so I apologize for not being more specific. I meant, add 1.5rem top and bottom padding to all nav links - to remove this gap that you see that I'm pointing to in the screenshot below. Ultimately, the mega menu opens up at the bottom of the navbar - so we need to close up this gap.
Worked! Thank you for your help even in this late hour, and thanks for teaching me a new trick!