Hi Team! I'm running in to problems getting my mobile hamburger menu to show. It works on desktop but for some reason it dissapears on mobile. Please see attached video. Thanks in advance!
I hope someone has a solution for you. I’m new to relume so I’m going to check back to see if someone has any ideas on this one.
the underlying issue here for your reference is that if you don't start the project by cloning our style guide, you won't have the variables that come with it, so when you paste in components, the variables are missing (blank) - so scrolling down to the color styles for instance, they'll just be blank - you'll want to reset those (option + click) and assign that element a color manually.
For the ultimate experience, whenever possible, start your projects using our style guide.
Its not always possible though, I understand - sometimes you find Relume after a project has already started.
We have several docs on these topics here:
We also have a getting started video series that should help with some of this as well.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Would you have a quick minute to do a quick huddle? I'm starting to watch your video and would like to clarify some things myself.