Hi everyone, CTA 37 I'm having some trouble with having the images show up when hovering over my links.
I've uploaded all of the individual images to each link image inside of the wrappers and I've also done the instructions of adding a page trigger of 'mouse move in viewport' and selected the CTA 37 Image Movement animation for each.
Is anyone able to tell from my screenshots what I'm doing wrong that the images aren't showing? Thanks!
Hey I've added it back in there and uploaded my photos. Let me know if you're able to take a look, thank you!
Because you have a background color on the section, we have to adjust the z-index of some elements here. You also had display flex set on the image wrapper. So reseting that setting and changing z-index 0 and then changing z-index of the heading to 1, will give you the result you are looking for.
One word of caution - I noticed that there were several global classes (page-wrapper
and body) that had overflow auto set - if you have overflow hidden it will break sticky/fixed position elements/components. If you are trying to reset to default, I would just alt + click on the blue label to reset it. Each blue label within Webflow is adding a line (or two) of CSS to your website so if you want to reset to default values, just be sure to actually reset the value rather than selecting it, if that makes sense.