Hi everyone! I'm wondering if there is an easy workaround for this slider issue, I would love to have the slider return to the first slide before all that white space! I know its because its using the native slider but not sure if there is anything that I can do to achieve the desired behavior!
you’d have to use a slider library or component like finsweet sliders or resliders.com, swiperjs, splidejs.
I am interested in using resliders too. Starting with their starter "free components", I have them in listed in my relume library. Do I just add them as a normal component during wireframing?
you would just use one of our slider components as a placeholder in the site builder/wireframe. Once you get into Webflow, you would just need to copy/paste in the resliders component.
Thanks. That makes sense, but I am missing the connection between relume and resliders. Is it just a marketing partnership?
naw its a functional piece - so Chris who was an early adopter of Relume created the components which marries our vanilla pre-built components with the javascript slider library - swiperjs.
awesome! some guidance on community components... in relume videos or docs would be helpful! Thanks!
yeah, we've kind of dialed down that feature - we might be revisiting it at some point.