What is the purpose of being able to import if it only pulls the sitemap and none of the actual data
oh you mean when you enter the URL and it builds a sitemap based on the existing website?
What kind of data would you like to have pulled in?
This was low hanging fruit for us to do generally - we have plans for a v2 and would love any and all feedback!
I am talking about the existing content on the pages imported. If you are importing the sitemap from an existing site, it 9 times out of 10 is going to already have content on them otherwise they wouldn't be published pages
got it - we've received this feedback before - something we have on our list for future developments. No ETA on it though.
what about images? You should be able to use DALLE or a similar model to insert actual images into the designs as well
Or maybe even taking the images from an existing site and putting them in wherever the AI thinks they would be best put