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The Only Fix Here Is Go One by One and Replace It with a Renamed Clone

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the only fix here is go one by one and replace it with a renamed clone?


Ooof, this shouldn't be happening and is likely a bug. What actions are you taking in the "Relume Site Builder Importer" app?

This was a known issue for a period late last year but it should have been subsequently fixed.

there’s really one action to perform with the app - and I have been copy/paste components while having the extension on, I didn’t know this was happening until I looked

I don’t mind the bug - but I do mind not being able to fix it quickly - feels like Relume is injecting an ingrown hair to webflow impossible to remove

As in, copying and pasting components from the Site Builder?

Yes, I did both, imported the full site (maybe 3 times) and then I’ve been copy/paste components, full pages, everything

I wasn’t aware that I had to be careful until now

@Chris Morgan What do you suggest

Both of those should work fine, do you have the Chrome extension to enable class sync within Webflow?

Yes, it works well, except two or three specific classes. I was able to fix it renaming and going one by one.

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