I have an issue with the header 103 component. I didnt change any class names, the tab change works, the auto change works, but: the tab-load-bar does not. It does not show up at all
Hi marc, thanks for taking the time! It is the second section / component (testimonial/slider) on the sectoren page
Staging link: https://doorzaam.webflow.io/sectoren
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As of yet I don’t see anything wrong but still having a look. Not sure why this isn’t working. If you can’t find what’s causing the bug try remove marker and test again not sure if that could be causing any issues.
Add this where you added the finsweet attribute
fs-cmstabs-element=“tabs” and give it a test
So it’s an issue with the initial state
Try add this to the body tag of the page
<script> <br /><br />$(window).on('load', function() {<br /> // Code to run after the window has fully loaded<br /> console.log('Window is fully loaded');<br /> <br /> // Trigger a click event on the first element with class 'header103_tab-link'<br /> $('.header103_tab-link').first().click();<br />});<br /><br /></script>
If it doesn’t work what I would reccomend is adding a field in the cms called ID then give the first cms item an id of first-tab or something like that then use have script to click it once the page has loaded
this is a tricky one because even in designer it loads the first one...but I noticed that the initial state checkbox is not checked here - is that it?
thanks for checking in! I just placed it on inital state, but that doesn’t fix the first loader