Hey everyone, I've got a question regarding the logo section where the logos move from on side to the other.
My issue is that there is an empty moment before the logos restart flowing from one side to the other.
How can I change this?
From memory it takes a few things.
1 is to do the maths on how wide one logo is including padding. Then multiply by number of logos. Add this to the interaction. Edit interaction and you'll see the x position which will be a negative number.
2 is it seems like you need logos spanning the full width of the screen.
3. The width of the grid in the grid settings in style panel has to be on REMa (I think? Worked for me as opposed to FRs).
Does that help? Let me know if you;re not sure about the x pos value in the interaction settings.
Can you post a screenshot of:
Go to 13:40 in this video to see what I'm referring to. You may be able to figure it out from here.
It seems like once you have the logo width and spacing you x by number of logos and that width gives you your x-axis offset (basically moving the first set of logos back to where it started on the right).