I want to send form data from Webflow to ClickUp. Do I need to use a logic flow? If so what name do I give the header? What is the api endpoint for ClickUp? How do I structure my JSON?
I think most info is on WF Uni but I can't find all the click up specific info on the Click up site.
Any non-relume related help 😂 appreciated!
Nice choices in Webflow + Clickup, Blair! There is quite a lot to learn in the answers to these q’s, not sure exactly where to start but let’s try here:
2. (cont). However, I suggest if you’re just getting started with integrations like this, check out Make.com <- The free plan is very powerful in addition to providing great resources / guides to do things exactly like this.
Ultimately, Make.com is what Webflow Logic <i>could </i>be (in my opinion).
To answer your third Q, Make will help guide you in how to structure the JSON / map it to clickup via point-and-click forms.
The above is only really one way this can be done, but definitely great to teach yourself / learn how to do it.
Good news, I did it using a login flow 🙌
Taught myself how the ClickUp api works, used it to get custom field IDs and tested it all successfully this afternoon. ClickUp sure makes it hard to find some of the data you need for custom fields!
➡ When form submitted in Webflow, then create tasks in ClickUp list and map data from WF to CU including custom fields.
If anyone needs help with this holler. I can do it in my sleep now unfortunately 😂
No problem — you’re welcome! Stoked to hear you managed to wrangle the ClickUp API. I remember it was a little bit painful for me when I was integrating with it a year or so back, and I ended up finding I couldn’t do what I wanted to do on my plan level which really broke me hahaha
Anyway, hope the integration works well.
p.s. I heard the Logic v2 is on is it’s way. 👀
are you able to help with this?
only thing I could think would be compare the authorization header that is working via postman with what you’re adding in Webflow. Apart from that, I don’t know where to go with this.
Sorry Tim, where is the Bearer token?
The error is that the key isn't valid, even though it is, do I need to provide the api key/token in a different way?
I assume it's related to that which is why response is "...did not include an API key".
Assumed Webflow had this sorted based on their uni docs, but maybe there is more work needed?
It's the name of the api key I made up in MailChimp, I tried generate a few as the original didn't work so wanted to eliminate MC as the problem
Roger, ok, try get it working in postman using the same credentials you’re supplying in WF.
Good luck!