Hi friends!
Been running into issue where I copy a component from the site and when I paste it into my project I get errors on color variable and I can’t see what the color was supposed to be and have to reset the color selection. This is making use of the timeline components complicated. Any work around to the missing variables?
These are the elements with vaariable errors, which also makes the animation on the circle not work properly
Hi @Kevyn Levine 👋
A similar question was raised here. And it looks like it's been resolved by @Matt.
So, this should help.
Have a good week 🤗
💪 may the Design be with you
@Matt was this ever resolved? I have the same issue and need support on solving this.
@Wadnes Castelly yeah you'll need to start this project over using our Webflow Style Guide. You'll need to clone this each time you start a new project.
@Wadnes Castelly yep because the webflow style guide cloneable has the variables already in it and you can't add the variables after the fact because there's no way to sync the variables from your project to the components that come in - so you have to start a new project with the cloneable to get those variables