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Resolving "Error: Unknown Variable" in Webflow Preset Relume Components

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Hi there, I've been loving the preset relume components for my Webflow website! However, I keep getting an error message saying "Error: Unknown Variable" in my color parameters (fonts, strokes, background) whenever I load them into my pages. Any ideas on how to prevent this or fix this? I've created a style guide page but still get these error messages.


@Chef Mario Buccellati Would you mind sending a read-only link?

sure thing, thanks for the prompt response!

@Chef Mario Buccellati so it appears you are trying to retrofit Relume into an existing Webflow project. In that case, you'll want to follow this doc closely.

Thanks Matt, I'll take a look. I did create a page for the relume style guide but perhaps I did so incorrectly

well, biggest thing is that you'll want to clone a copy of our webflow style guide project, and paste in the full proper page from that project into your current project. But the biggest issue is that because your project was not started using our webflow style guide, the variables were not in the project, and adding them after the fact doesn't work because of limitations with Webflow

Does this mean I have to start over?

@Chef Mario Buccellati naw, in the doc I sent, there's a path forward for you to continue using Relume components in your project, you will just have to hook up the variables in your Webflow project manually to the components you import. You also won't be able to use our Relume Site Builder Import Webflow app to automatically import multiple pages into your Webflow project. But pasting in individual components from the component library will work fine if you follow the instructions in the doc provided.

However, my official official recommendation would be to start over. I would at the very least, test it out and see how much better/faster things come together and I think you might be surprised how quickly you would be able to recreate your existing site.

especially if you use Relume Site Builder and import directly into Webflow using our app.

You've been beyond helpful and informative. Thanks so much!

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