We used to be able to share and provide comment access to Relume Sitemap/Wireframe builder and they would not need to login to leave comments. Now, when I try to share a link, it seems as though the link recipient needs to login. Is this normal?
yeah looks like that changed - I can find out if that was intentional - my feeling is that it was but I can certainly try to make a case to reverse it. Do you have any of your own use case/insights you'd like me to use on your behalf to make a case for reverting this change?
Yes ! As part of our work process with clients, we always send over the sitemap and LF wireframe to the client via Relume share link. Recently, our clients started asking why they need to login to leave comments. This has added friction to our process. It might seem like a small thing but at scale (even at our scale), it seems super unnecessary.
Also, I can understand that this might be due to Relum trying to garner more emails/accounts. But, to be fair, our clients that receive these comment only links are typically someone from the marketing department which will likely never really use or care for Relume as they are not designers.
We do not shy away from telling our clients that we use Relume as it is an awesome tool!
Thanks for answering btw!
totally understand. I went back to look at QA sessions (I do weekly QA of the whole ecosystem) from several months ago and this flow actually hasn't changed. Unless it was like 4-6 months ago that we had it but our CTO is saying that nothing with that has changed. I totally get what you are saying and I really don't think its intentional on our part to garner more email/accounts - I would think we would want that list to be actual users/active so that our data is clean in that way. I'll get this feature added to a list but unfortunately I won't have an ETA on it.