Hey team, I’m having trouble getting the Product Header 1 component to work as I expected it to, where when you click on a thumbnail image, it displays as a main image. Currently if I click on the thumbnail images, nothing happens. Is this functionality native to the component or do I need to set it up as an accordion (or something else)?
Thanks Matt! I’m currently trialing a tab component with a CMS collection (using a Finsweet script). But still keen to know if this is the best approach or if I’m missing something obvious!
@Rose Gregory so my guess is that your expectation for this product header 1 is that when you click on the thumbnail, it swaps out the bigger image for that image. I think the original intent of this section is that you’d use linked gallery lightboxes - so essentially you click on the thumbnail and it opens up a lightbox. This approach is a far far easier implementation, than the first implementation I mentioned.
Hey Matt, thanks for sending through that link. The lightbox implementation is not quite the desired behaviour for this use case unfortunately. And some feedback (if I may offer it!) is that it’s not what a user would expect either.
I’ll stick with the tab implementation even though it creates some extra issues, but I’m hoping with some styling fixes I’ll get it working smoothly.
Thanks for your help!