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Updated 10 months ago

Pasting components with buttons in Webflow and class renaming issues

At a glance

Whenever I paste component with buttons Webflow says something like "couldn't paste button, renaming class to button 2" (relume class sync is on)


I experience this also, super frustrating even though class sync is turned on.

Is there a solution to this? Classes keeps getting numbers added to them whenever I paste it in

Hey &

I'd suggest double checking your style preferences here:
Should help!

I was running into this last night as well and I was ready to record a loom to reproduce for the engineering team, when it suddenly started working again and I was not able to reproduce.

In addition to what Rob has mentioned, I would also toggle class sync OFF, save (cmd + s) and refresh the page, then turn class sync back on, save, refresh the page, and then paste again and see if it'll work then.

Class sync is extremely technical so its really really hard to track down these bugs or reproduce them because they are so dependent on so many environmental variables and circumstances.

If you are able to reproduce this over and over and none of the troubleshoot tips above are working, please record your steps (no audio/camera is fine) so that we can see the steps visually and try to track it down.

Really appreciate any help with this or if these tips help, let me know!

Hey &
Thanks for the help here. I did exactly what you recommended and pasted in a new component; the class sync kicked in, except for the heading-style-h5. See attached image.

Would you mind sending a read-only link?

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