Hi, does anyone know how to overcome this issue: I want more than one pop up modal on the same page. On the test on the link below, once I close the modal, I can no longer click on any button. Does anyone know why?
Big thanks
I have this quick loom you can watch on this topic: https://relume.notion.site/How-to-add-multiple-modals-5012143c03f14e6da19f8cd3e23e7f3f?pvs=4
Hello thank you for your reply. Yes, I watched and rewatched your video many times but I'm not getting it, sorry man rsrsrs. When I copy and paste Contact Modals 3, 4 and 5, all seems fine when directly pasted on Webflow from Relume. Please check
Anyways, what I did not understand yet is:
Why the trigger button on Modal 1 and 2 is not clickable after the modal is closed?
What is the best strategy for having multiple modals: duplicate modal class names and interactions or is it possible to have one class/interaction for all modals with the same behavior but different content inside. Thanks
no problem. The key to this is what I show at 6 min mark. You want to make sure that the class selection is "All elements with this class".
Looks like you've done this for all modals except the first 2. So double check that part and it should be good.