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Is there not a way to copy/paste components from the relume sitemap?

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Is there not a way to copy/paste components from the Relume sitemap. I don't mean anything outside of Relume.

I'm making multiple pages and the AI didn't add something I want and I have what I want on another page in the Sitemap.. I see that I can copy and paste into different pages on the Sitemap but it doesn't seem to work when I try it with Ctrl-C while having a section highlighted in the sitemap.


@Alex Quintana would you mind recording any kind of screen record - no audio is fine

I am not sure how I'm even supposed to do it.

As far as I can tell all copy/paste actions appear to work as expected - I can even copy a section from SITEMAP and paste it into a page in WIREFRAME.

How do you copy a section and how do you paste it?

though I did notice that my browser asked for permissions, so maybe you had accidentally declined that?

How did you get that menu to pop up?

Did you right click or left click? When I right click on there all I get is default browser right click menu

okay, what browser?

so now it does do the right click menu. It happens only the first time you click on it

I can copy it and it says it's copied but it won't paste

I turned on the clipboard for

and did you refresh?

The browser is Vivaldi it's Chrome based.

did you refresh after turning on the clipboard?

its possible the browser is being overly zealous about showing its menu over ours

The menu is showing fine

when I paste it isn't pasting.

can you figure out a way to record your screen - flying pretty much blind here on whats going on and won't be able to help much more without it

I think it's because when you click on anything inside the section it starts editing that part (title or description) and then while that field is a textfield the regular menu pops up

just select the page and paste, then move it where you want it?

and cmd + v doesn't work?

not ctrl + v - but cmd + v

I'm using the menu items

When I select the page and do cmd-V it works

so I guess I can do that.

okay, so if you select a section and then do cmd + c and then do cmd + v - does that work?

without having to select anything else

Yeah that works as well

It was probably something I was missing like selecting the page.

I do see at least one bug which is that I can ctrl + c and then when I do ctrl + v nothing pastes.

so maybe its preventing those other paste patterns you were hitting

probably a low priority bug too so I'm glad we were at least able to find something that works

It is possible to hold a key and drag to paste?

I noticed you can drag them around.

yeah, hold option

oh option. I was holding cmd.

Cool. Thanks man

yeah thanks for bearing with my 1000 questions

Hey I noticed the blog sections are purple. the other ones are green.

When I import them into WebFlow are they already ready to be connected to a CMS collection?

hmm well the only way that other sections would be green is if you designated them to be green or if they are global sections

but no, we dont have any "automatic CMS" syncing at the moment. However we have structured the components so that hooking them up to the CMS is...dare I

Ah of course.. that makes sense.. It was the global sections that are green

I'd like to think so anyway

I got thrown off coz Webflow uses purple to identify CMS collection stuff

I made Blog and Post pages to import into Webflow but they are going to use CMS Collections.

But when you create a CMS collection it already has a URL 'page' .. So I just made it a different name and I was gonna copy and paste the entire page into the collection page.

Is there a better way of doing it? Can you import a Relume page into a collection automatically?

nope, thats the only way to do it right now

Well that's cool. Just checking to make sure I had it right.

Thanks for the help Matt

yeah all good - happy building Alex! πŸš€

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