Anyone able to take a look at the interactions on this page in the section under the header? I'm confused on how to set this up. The last image is showing up on top of all the others... Am I meant to add the images in the opposite order? (Layout 348)
Would really appreciate your help here. I'm useless when it comes to troubleshooting animations
I would prefer to say inexperienced! I did a quick loom here with a possible fix but there's still a bit of mystery here.
Thank you! I have just:
I tried reversing the order of the images in the DOM and the South Africa image sticks there the whole time. It feels like its interaction is broken somehow. I'm gonna start with a fresh component and see what I can do.
Wooooohoo it's fixed! I started fresh and realised I had also deleted the background-holder animation which must have been crucial. Thanks a million Matt!!
ah yeah nice! But still the mystery of why it works just fine when you scroll back up - at least in my opinion thats a mystery but glad we got it resolved!