Hi team my client isn’t able to edit the background image of any component which has a background image with the editor - or edit mode such Header 5, CTA 3 etc. is there any workaround for this? Would really appreciate any input. Cheers, Zac
I've had this before, it's because the background images are behind the overlay layer so aren't directly selectable. Try adding "pointer-events: none" to the image overlay layer and see if that sorts it 👍
specifically Sam means toggling this setting on the overlay element
An "old school" approach would be to create a component of that image and put that component on another page the client can access to do the same thing - maybe this solves other problems as well and can be a trick to use for other things like mega menu navbars etc.
Sorry, Yes I did mean that, spent all day on design work so I was thinking in layers 😂
Thanks a mil Worked a treat! This was seriously helpful and will save so much headache!!! wish I asked this question years ago lol.