Sorry if this has already been asked in here, I'm not very active, but is anyone else having the Figma issue where generating wireframes using the Relume plugin is creating some components with the text blanked out (no fill colour)? I'm using the latest Figma Kit (v2.5) but this is what I'm seeing in my file...
hmm thats more than just text though - do you have any custom fonts in this file? Did you modify any of the core components within this file?
Nope. My workflow was clone the Relume Figma Kit, create a new page, run Relume plugin to generate my wireframes. This was the only section of my wireframes that was like this but there were other examples of the FAQ components that were showing the same issue.
My workaround was to apply a colour to those elements and that saw my design as it should, including the correct copywriting from Site Builder. So it's working 98% as it should, it's just those elements have no colour applied.
ah okay, yeah thats actually completely different than the section not generating at all so those additional details help A LOT - thank you!
One last question around this Dillon - which FAQ component is in your screenshot? Is it FAQ 10 or 11? What other components had this issue? No worries if you are not able to provide that, those are bonus details - thanks again!