Hello. I am a newbie in Figma and Relume. When I exported my wireframe from Relume to Figma, the mobile version on Relume is different from the one in Figma. Can you please help me with this? Thank you in advance!
can you share both your figma file and relume project URL?
For the figma file, if its an active client project, if you wouldn't mind duplicating it and sharing the duplication with us, that might be best. We just need to see the actual components being used to better understand what may have gone wrong. Thank you!
Hello. This is my figma file https://www.figma.com/file/zM6VBMbUklCMOkiRAfzYG6/KidsFriendly?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=myOQVarIIFYuQWjb-0 and this my relume project https://www.relume.io/app/project/P739237_AM4t7hu8dz-ldKFdmeRvnCNB0yx-WStwvjLLWRjLRao#mode=wireframe&breakpoint=mobile. Thank you