In Layout 415, what's the best way for me to 1. make all the cards the same size regardless of content? Ideally I'd like the final card sizes to be similar to the size of card two. 2. Add another card along with the interaction for it? Here's my read only link:[…]bda851e0aae2f73166ea731854afef2d&locale=en&workflow=preview
@Rachel I think you'll just need to do width: 100% on the card class as shown in here. Otherwise @Daniyal Mehmood suggestion for creating more cards will work, just be sure to follow the same patterns as previous cards.
@Daniyal Mehmood I did the copy and paste method for the card but hadn't changed the combo class to card-5 so couldn't see it. I've now been able to change the content on card-5 but still can't view it in the interaction.
@Matt Do I now need to make changes to the interaction to trigger card-5? Changing the card width worked. To achieve the same height on the cards I added lines in the paragraph.
@Rachel so the process would be somewhat similar to this quick video I did on a different component.