Another question - I find a lot that my fonts don't look exactly the same in Figma and Webflow. In Figma they look much better and smoother, but then in Webflow not as good. Any ideas why?
Weird, it should work just the same, make sure you have the right one installed on Figma, where it should be the same one in Webflow - there could be similar name but different style
A weight issue, make sure you’re on the right weight in Figma as you can play with that but on Webflow, you really don’t have that much detailed options 🙄 in fonts unless you use some codes
I think there's a code I can put in for font smoothing. Does anyone know what that is?
I think I see something that off. Text on a dark background is looking thicker. I think that's the issue. but I didn't have this in figma
I think fonts are rendered differently on different browsers and programs. I don’t know why or why, but I’ve had this issue before and remember reading that on forums.