✌ Oh, hello!
I am trying now to use Relume React components with astro - if i can html only, if some of interactions required - react. I love the library, but honestly I am just a little bit confused with a configuration. Colors are hard to understand - there are a lot of variables in tailwind config - for primary button background is alternative, but border is primary, why? In my opinion there are also missing some options like button and image border radius, shadow, etc. Now If I wanna to set this up need to change it each time, create a subclass or component - but in every situation i need to modify the code. I would love if almost everything could be configured from tailwind config and if I copy component from library - just need to changed the text, not style too. Any suggestions?
😮 I am exactly in the same boat! I wish the HTML version also included the interactions using CSS and vanilla JS.
The custom tailwind config made it a bit more complicated to modify anything. Modifying code is a pain.
Do you think it's possible for them to add at least some of these settings? That would require custom tailwind classes to be used in the components, which is apparently not difficult, but requires changes.