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Compatibility issues between relume components and the latest client first cloneable

At a glance

General question, I have a site I made in Client First 2.0 with Relume - I am going to do a little revamp of our site and am starting fresh, I cloned Client First 2.1 (yay) but the relume components I am copying over look awful in my webflow designer - is this a known issue? for example I have changed nothing in the client first 2.1 global styles and this simple section header 25 is already off (the search icon is elevated and the button to action the search is larger than the search field) - are there known issues between relume components and the latest client first cloneable? trying to determine how best to proceed:


When you cloned it did you edit the Global Styles? Try not to import the whole site, it causes an issue like this. What I do is import component per component that way Global Styles stays in tact

So I used the Cloneable on Webflow's templates here: then I went to the component, hit copy, and pasted it into the site - not a single edit

I went back and tried it on 2.0 and it worked fine.. I think there is issues with relume components and 2.1

out of the box which is kinda worrying

Yeah, that link is not a Relume product; it's a Finsweet product, so there are different ways of doing the global styles for the clients first.

Oh weird, so the default client first does not work with the default relume stuff?

wow thats just what I need!

Let me try it now πŸ™‚

worked like a charm

thanks so much @Michael Riga

Your welcome πŸ˜„

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